So, according to Sarah, here's what happens now:
1st I have to answer a little questionnaire, which is pretty much all about ME! Then, I have to choose 7 bloggers who I feel are BRILLIANT (see list below) and I give them the award. They will post their own answers to the questionnaire on their own blog and they will choose 7 more recipients.
Here is the questionnaire (drum roll please...):
A. Attached or single? Attached
B. Best friend? My ya-yas: Jennifer, Sammie, and Val. Oh, and Mary. And Gwen. And Lea. Goodness... you like me! You really like me! (to quote another award winner...)
C. Cake or pie? Can I have both, please? With ice cream on top?
D. Day of choice? Saturday
E. Essential item? My laptop, of course.
F. Favorite color? Purple
G. Gummy bears or worms? Yuck ...neither! Gimme chocolate!
H. Hometown? Born in Columbia, SC. Now live in upstate SC.
I. Indulgence? Shopping, chocolate, shopping, chocolate, and oh, yeah ... shopping for chocolate!
J. January or July? July .... Maya was born in July! It just doesn't get any better. Except March is just as good, of course. ;-)
K. Kids? 2 girls, and a male cat
L. Life isn’t complete without? My babies, family, friends, and did I mention chocolate?
M. Marriage date? April 17, 1993. yikes. I'm old.
N. Number of brothers & sisters? 2 older brothers
O. Oranges or apples? Oranges
P. Phobias? Bugs and heights
Q. Quotes? An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet. It may stretch or tangle, but never break. ~ Chinese proverb.
R. Reasons to smile? Maya and Maria! (and chocolate)
S. Season of choice? Fall
T. Tag seven peeps! (see below)
U. Unknown fact about me? I have a rather high tolerance for pain. I prefer (if possible) to get teeth cavities filled without novacaine, as I can't STAND the numb feeling. And when I had my hysterectomy, I asked the doc to leave one ovary in. He warned me it too would have to come out eventually, but I enjoyed the 6 weeks off of work with pay so much that the pain and discomfort of the surgery was negligible. But alas, he could not do it, so it all came out at one time.
V. Vegetable? Macaroni and Cheese! It counts, right? Does too!! It's listed right THERE in the vegetable section of Lizard's Thicket's menu!!!
W. Worst habits? Chewing my fingers and cuticles.
X. X-ray or ultrasound? X-ray
Y. Your favorite food? Give me a break. Like I can pick just one. Maybe chocolate?
Z. Zodiac sign? Sagittarius ... married to a Capricorn.
Here are 7 other BRILLIANT bloggers Ok, you caught me. It's only 6. Wait! I'll nominate ME again! Lucky # 7 ....
Awe!!! Sophia thanks you so much you are so kind!!! I love all the new pictures of your precious girls!! I am planning another get together soon.
I love that quote!!!!!Thanks for the tag!!!!
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