I was just thinking this morning that I'd like to capture more of the things my kids are doing and saying now, but once I sit in front of this screen, it all escapes me. My babies are napping now, or at least I THINK Maria finally went to sleep. That little girl sleeps hard, but it's hard to get her down in her crib without her waking up and crying. Maya still wakes up during the night and comes and crawls in bed with us. I know ... I know ... everyone says we need to stop that, but honestly, we do NOT mind it at all. She's only going to be little once, and goodness knows she's growing up so fast, and soon she won't even want to hang out with us at all, much less sleep with us! This morning I was awakened by this scenario: someone laid her cheek on mine and said "are you awake?" I opened my eyes to see the cutest little face ever, and she got the biggest smile on her face when she realized I was awake. Then she proceeds to talk non-stop about anything and everything that comes to her mind. She got a little musical toy piano keyboard and started playing it ...one of those that plays a song whenever you hit a key. Thing is, it has no volume control! (aside to dad: maybe you shouldn't bother changing those batteries next time they die!) So it didn't take long for both of use to wake up for good for the day. When Maya wakes up, she is awake and hits the floor running! Maria, on the other hand, is a grumpy-grump sleepy head for a while.
Maria has suprised us again with the things she has learned! Maya does this butterfly routine where she holds her arms straight out behind her, bends her back a little, and runs forward. She's been doing it for a while ... but Tuesday night we were exclaiming how good of a butterfly she was, and little Miss Maria proceeded to tuck her hands behind her and head off right behind Maya. It was the cutest thing ever, and we were just stunned to see her do it. Then she stopped and turned to us with that ever-cute grin she has, and we just started clapping and woohooing for her, too. And right after that, Maya did her bee imitation where she pokes us with a finger like she's stinging us, and then we're supposed to cry and she consoles us and tells us "it will be okay!" cute, cute, cute. Smarty pants Maria did that, too, right after Maya did! She is simply amazing in how quickly she has learned things. Now, I just wish she would learn to TALK. She still only says "da-da" and "uh-oh". Both of those are very clear, and she did do the little buzzing sound when she did the bee act. But that's it. Seventeen months old, and only 2 words in her vocabulary. Her early interventionist said she really does not qualify for Babynet services anymore, since she met all her goals in just a few short months, but that speech therapy might be the one thing that keeps her in the program. And to be honest, I'm pretty sure the EI wants to keep her in the program simply because she's fallen in love with her ... it's really not hard to do, just ask me or her Gran! Anyway, I think I got a decent video of the butterfly routine on my camera, but I'm going to have to figure out how to download it to the desktop and then upload it here.... my girls are just too cute!
1 comment:
Sophia, We are having another get together. I posted it on the Guate. forum it is under #2 NC/SC get together. I hope you can come so we can see the girls again!
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