Maya is such a hoot... one minute she wants to do everything herself, and the next she wants to be 'carried like a baby.' So funny. Here she is showing us her tumbling skills. I have GOT to get this girl in a gymnastics class!

And Maria, being quite the hoot herself, gives this attempt to copy Maya's tumble:

We met another group of semi-local Guatemalan adoptive familes at the zoo in C. We have met once before at a Latino-themed mall across the street from Carowinds, and we had a great time. We had to leave the zoo early, due to having two exhausted girls who had not had a nap by 2:30. But it was soooo much fun to meet / see these other families. I hope we can do it again soon! And these shots would be Maria's attempts to copy everything Maya does. So stinking cute!

Oh, I managed to solve part of my supper dilemma. I bought a new crock pot that is programmable, so I can set it on low for 8 or 9 hours and then it automatically switches to "warm". LOVIN' IT! So far our favorite meals have been pot roast with carrots and potatoes, and BBQ pork (boneless pork ribs in some sort of sauce ... either beef broth or lipton onion soup mix or even better vinegar and chicken broth!) yum. I don't use it every day of course, but I try to use it at least twice a week. Now if I could just find a meal that both of my girls would eat! They are complete opposites still, and Maria is just not fond of any sort of meat other than ham. Maya likes meat but is not much of a fan of vegetables, which Maria loves, of course. Maria's current favorite is green beans. Maya likes candy instead. bwahaha! She asks for candy at least 5 times a day. Gee ... wonder where she gets that from?!?!?!
Have I mentioned lately how much I love these girls? I simply adore them, and I can't wait to get home from work every single day. So many people tell me I need to find time for "me", but I waited a long time for these babies, and I TRULY enjoy nothing more than planning a weekend full of Maya and Maria time! And I know, without a doubt, that in just a few weeks (or so it will seem), they will be all grown up and leaving my nest, and I'll have more than enough "me time" after that!
I agree I cannot get enough of my Sky. The girls are getting so big. Your crock pot stories have my tummy rumbling!I love my crock pot especially potroast yummo!
how sweet that Maria does everything like Maya. I love that.
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