Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July holiday. I had a blast with my girls!! I wish 3 day weekends came along more often ....
Friday we spent the day with another of Maya's school friends, Evan, and his parents, Cathy and Tully, at Cathy's parents house and pool. They have an awesome pool, complete with pool house, and an outdoor bathroom that is far superior to my indoor bathrooms! But I digress .... Maya and Evan had a great time splashing in the pool for hours. Cathy is an awesome cook and grilled chicken, burgers and hot dogs. Getting Maya to stop swimming and slow down enough to eat is quite a challenge, but she did rather well this day. However, she did graze a little and leave and come back a few times to eat more of her burger. When she got down to the end of the burger and was walking around with it, Princess the dog came up and snatched the rest of her burger and ran off to eat it. It was so funny! Maya is still talking about it.
We had to leave earlier than I wanted to, in order to come home and meet Jen, our social worker, for our final post-home visit for Maria. We had not seen Jen in a while and it was so good to see her again. However, little Maria was sound asleep for much of her visit.... the girls had played so hard at Evan's grandparents' house, and they had not had a nap, so they fell asleep rather quickly on the way home. Maya woke up and ran to answer the door when Jen arrived, and then proceeded to entertain Jen with her usual diatribe of questions and discussions about pets. She is so funny! After Maya had grilled Jen on the type of pets she had, I looked at Jen and commented, "and I suppose you thought you would be asking the questions today, didn't you?" She laughed.
oops ... I'll have to continue this post later .... little Maya just woke up and said "mommy, I don't have anyone to sleep with me!" So off I go.....

1 comment:

Mama Bear said...

Oh my goodness, those outfits are adorable and the girls are just beautiful. LOVE the picture. I laughed and laughed at the dog taking the hamburger and running to eat it! Sounds like something that happens in our house!!!