Saturday, July 11, 2009

Chasing rainbows and puddle-splashing

It's been a great week, but man, did it fly by fast! Monday, as I was driving home from Walgreens, I saw the most incredible rainbow I have ever seen in my life! It was a complete arc, absolutely HUGE, and I saw every single color in it ... red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. I was in awe. As I pulled into my street, I was anxious to get home so the girls could see it, but was disappointed to find you couldn't see it at all from my house. Everyone came outside, and being the adventureous types, the girls, Gran and I all hopped in the car to go see the rainbow down the street. But it was gone by the time we got back to my spot where I saw it. We tried to chase it down the street as we followed the rain, but it was gone for good. We saw bits and pieces here and there, but my babies never got a good look at it. I was disappointed they didn't get to see the rainbow, but was delighted when we were honored with Maria's rendition of "Doe, a deer, a female deer .... Ray, a drop of golden sunnnnnnn.... Me, a name, I call myself .... " She can truly sing almost the whole thing. What a cutie pie .... she's so sweet!

And Wednesday, during the torrential rainfall on my ride home, I saw that the roads in my neighborhood were difficult to drive through thanks to the flooding. I considered taking my girls out in the rain to play when it lightened up some, but then came the thunder and lightening, so obviously we did not go outside. But as soon as it was over, I made a couple of paper boats and me and the girls went out walking looking for water puddles to play in. I didn't see any anywhere in our front yard, so then we headed downhill toward the cul-de-sac and found the perfect puddles a couple of doors down from our house. We had a blast!!! Maya and Maria splashed and giggled and played for a long time. I just love my girls!!!

1 comment:

Mama Bear said...

So glad you made it home safe and sound in those slippery rains. How fun to do paper boats. Oh my goodness, I haven't thought to do those for years and years. What fun. The girls are adorable as ever.