Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Just had to mention ..

Quite often I find myself saying "I need to put THAT in the blog before I forget it", and then 2 or 3 days go by, and I remember that there was something I needed to say, but can't remember what it was. So here goes ... E just emailed this to me this morning about his ride to the daycare. It was really cute, so I thought I'd just pop out here and post it while I think about it:

On the way in this morning, Maria was singing her little heart out to “Cat’s in the Cradle.” Maya’s very good about letting Maria sing. When the song ended after its third time, Maya clapped really loud and said “Good job Maria…you’re a great little singer.” They walked down the hallway to the rotunda holding hands.

Isn't that the cutest thing? I do hope they stay best friends forever ....


Julie Q said...

That is adorable. :) It sounds like they will be life long friends.

Mama Bear said...

Oh that is so sweet. We have that too with our girls and we pray with all our hearts that they will love, protect and take care of each forever.