Maya is in that stage where she likes to point out things that match. Especially when it involves something between me and her. Like, "mommy! my shirt matches you!" if we're both wearing pink shirts. Or when her crayon matches my socks. Or whatever..... anything that matches is worth noticing and mentioning in Maya's world. So here's what Maya said today ... it started with her black crayon ... "Mommy, look ... my crayon matches my hair!" But she really wanted to include me somehow, so then she tried to say it matched my hair too. I said, "no, honey, mommy's hair isn't black."
Maya's response: "Yeah, it's gray."
Gotta love the 4 year olds.
hahaha.. too cute!
That's cute Sophia. :)
They are getting so tall so fast!
TOOOO funny!!! Don't ya just love those sweet innocent comments!!! Still chuckling!
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