Maya is a hoot! E's parents were coming over for dinner tonight, and E was telling Maya about it. He told Maya he was going to grill some steaks and was going to take her with him to the meat market to pick them out. She started telling Gran that they were going to "get some snakes" instead of 'grill some steaks.' Yeah, um, not in MY house .... I'm a 'no reptile' mommy.
She is talking so clearly now. I tend to forget she's only 2 1/2. She can tell some amazing stories. It's really funny when she runs out of storyline because she'll just start saying anything. Usually she has to throw in a "jake was spitting" line, about the little boy in her daycare class. He may have spit one time in class long, long ago, but in Maya's world, he spits every single day and has to go to time out because "he won't listen." Hm. Wonder where she has heard the "(s)he won't listen" line before ... at HOME, maybe?!?!
Hey you, Maya is gettin so stinkin' big! I wish we lived closer. I still need your address. Things were crazy with the move email me. sarahdelap@att.net
LOL They are so much fun.I just love the stories they come up with.
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