I have never seen a child love food this much! I guess since my only real comparison is Maya, that would explain my shock at how much food Maria can put away. Maya just does NOT have time to sit still long enough to eat a whole meal. After a few bites, she will annouce "I'm done." I'm almost to the point of letting her eat anything at any time just to get some food in her!
Maria, on the other hand, thoroughly enjoys eating. She also eats very slowly. I'm guessing so far that she will be left-handed (notice which hand she uses to feed herself), and she will veryyyy slooooooowly piiiiiiick upppppp a pieeeeeeeece of fooooooood. Thennnnnn sloooooooowly mooooooove it towarrrrrrrrrds her mouuuuuuuuuth. Then cheeewwwwwwww, chewwwwww, chewwwww. You get the idea. One night we had to just cut her off after an hour and a half. We had to go to bed, man!
This morning was a perfect example. Maria tends to sleep a little later than Miss 5:00 a.m., so we try to get Maya eating early to get something in her before daycare. This morning I made Maya a piece of cheese toast. She ate a few bites, I think (unless I find the remainder in a chair somewhere ....). We even let her eat in the living room if she'll just EAT.
So Maria finally got up, sat in her chair and ate some banana and a whole fruit cereal bar. After 1/2 an hour or so, she's still wiping up crumbs and eating them, but we get her out of her chair anyway. I put her on the floor in the living room to do her hair and BONSAI! She spies Maya's leftover cheese toast and automatically scoots herself towards it. Grabs it in her hand and eats it. Go, Maria, go! She's so cute I just can't stand it!!
What a cutie! I forgeot to say I love Miss Maya's shades...she's stylin' ! And of course I am loving Lil' Miss Macaroni!
Oh my goodness your girls are getting big. I must say I wish Lily would eat like Maria but she has the same issues as Maya there is no time to eat! We are also happy wherever she eats as long as something is going in.
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