Maya is adorable. Then she's not so adorable. Then she's stinking adorable. Then, not so much. And she's teaching Maria everything she knows! This 3-year-old tantrum thing is really getting old. She knows what she is doing is naughty. But she does it anyway. Tonight's finale was after bathtime, when I was trying to make her brush her teeth. She normally does it just fine, but was already mad tonight because I sent her out of the bathroom after the bath because I refused to listen to her whine and cry (loudly) because she didn't like being punished for screaming loudly and not listening to mommy. But after the beginning battle, I told her in no uncertain terms to brush her teeth. She picked the toothbrush up. I thought she was complying with my request. Then she stood up, looked at me, and put it back on the counter! Sigh. I hope one day that she will be blessed with a little girl just as .... oh, let's call it "spirited". I will laugh my head off.
But I gotta say, in spite of the tantrums, I just love that kid to pieces. She can make me crazy with her defiance, and in the next minute, have me laughing hysterically at her antics. The latest is she will sing and dance in the tub and Maria will try to copy her singing and will also mimic whatever dance or arm movements go along with the made-up song. It's just too darned cute!
But on to the pictures! This was from her 2K class at daycare (church preschool program and daycare) when they had their little Christmas program. Cutest thing I've ever seen! They all did really well! Here they are rocking baby Jesus.....

Here she is jingling bells. The poor little boy on the left wearing the red sweater with white stripes got bopped in the head with the jingle bells. I had to watch the video a couple of times before I realized it was the boy behind him that got him, not Maya. whew!

And Maria. Sweet Maria. Who is being taught everything Maya knows. She has learned to say "no!" and to hit. But she has also learned to march her little self up to Maya's room when we tell her to go to time out (because, silly, that's where timeout MUST be, as that is where Maya always goes when she gets in trouble!) After about 30 seconds, she will come back to the door and peep out, and we'll tell her she can come back downstairs. Or even better, Maya will go up and get her, hold her hand as she walks her back down the stairs, and lead her over to us and tell her, "now tell mommy you are sorry." And Maria will say "saaaawwwwy" . Just adorable.
Maria, as I think I have mentioned before, is NOT a morning person. So E gets her up in the morning and changes her diaper. Then brings her downstairs and sets her in a chair while he goes to get her milk and breakfast. This is what she does once he sets her down. hehehe. cute, cute, cute.

I know everyone who saw this just went "awwww." How could you not?!
I love these girls more than chocolate! And if you know me at all, you know how much love that would be for me!! Today chocolate was involved in breakfast, lunch, snacktime and pre- and post-dinner snacks. I could live off of chocolate. But I'd give it all up for my babies. If I had to, that is. No need to make a choice now, right? I think I hear the brownies in the kitchen calling me.....
I can totally and completely relate to the "spirited" child and I keep thinking it could get better!!!! It's hard though when you have a younger one "imitating" the behaviors!!!
Hang in there, you are doing a great job!
They are heartbreakingly beautiful. What wonderful daughters you have. Who wouldn't love them!
Those pictures of Maya in the christmas program are priceless. Isn't three fun and doesn't it also make you want to rip all your hair out! They are funny little creatures and mine would say I love her more than fried foods!
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