Maya went to her first live play today ... Beauty and the Beast, and cousin Kaitlyn played Babette. It was so much fun! So Kait took Maya onstage afterwards for the autograph session, and of course, brilliant mommy left her camera in the car. This was the best I could do with the camera phone. And even better, the camera phone was full and I couldn't get a picture of her with the prince/beast. sigh.
And this, my friends, is a picture "for daddy." She worked so hard on it (as you can tell by the concentration on her face in the picture below), and she handed it to me and said "here, mommy". I went into the big "I love it! Thank you so much!" speech, but she stopped me cold and said "It's for daddy" as she takes it back out of my hands. double-sigh.
It's been a great weekend.... we went to Evan's house yesterday for lunch and swimming, and today was Beauty and the Beast. But why, oh why, does the weekend fly by so fast?!?! Now it's Sunday evening, and I still have to do laundry and finish some work before tomorrow morning. I hate Sunday nights ... it's like a ticking bomb counting down the minutes until the workweek begins again. Someone really needs to reverse this concept ... how about 5 day weekends and 2 day workweeks?