Maya was so cute tonight. Ok, so she's cute every night. But this one stood out enough for me to make sure I updated the old blog. One of Maya's favorite things to say these days is "Can we go somewhere?" Which is cute as can be, and I do love to "go somewhere" myself, but that usually means it will cost me some money. So I said, "why don't we just go swimming instead?" Worked like a charm, as my little fish LOVES to swim. So I made mac and cheese and packed it all up to take out to the pool. We ate, or, as I like to describe it, I ate and they wiggled and twisted and tried their best to get out of chairs and into the pool. While swimming, Maria noticed a bird perched on the electrical wires behind our property. She started saying, "Hey, bird! tweet. tweet. Hey!" Maya then piped in with "You want to come swimming? Put on your bathing suit. Put on your little bathing suit." How cute is that?! That bird stayed around a long time and looked for all the world like he (she?) was just watching my girls swim.
Speaking of swimming, Maria is getting to be quite bold in the pool! She's my cautious one, the grounded one who analyzes everything for an hour or so before warming up to any new situation. But she actually lets us get her face wet now, and she'll stand on the side of the pool and jump in, all while holding my hands tightly, of course. She's asleep on the living room floor right now .. she just cannot fall asleep easily at night. So while Maya was heading off to bed, Maria was boucing off the walls ... literally ... she bounced off furniture and banged her head in there somewhere.
I found more pictures on my cell phone of Maya and Elysia. This was obviously after Maya corrupted Elysia and convinced her through peer pressure to get as wet in the stream as she was. So stinkin' cute!
And aren't these bows the cutest ever?! I'm dying to order them, and probably will, as shopping is my life, but I couldn't help but post them, too since they are so adorable! They come from this website, which I found through another friend's blog: